How can I forget that impactful marriage seminar where I was one of the key speakers? I remember the seriousness in Mrs. Gaboa's face as she asked her questions. She turned to me and asked, "How can I become my husband's best friend?"
I could remember Mrs. Gaboa’s lamentation as she continued by saying, “My husband and I live as strangers in our house. Although he makes provisions available, that closeness and friendliness that we used to enjoy during our courtship period is no longer there. He makes decisions without carrying me along.”
I guess she felt free to express herself, thanks to the fact that her husband was not present in the meeting, unlike other couples who came to the meeting together.
“To be sincere with you, Pastor Gavin, I am a manager in the company where I work. My company has increased its profits and expanded into new markets thanks to my knowledge and experience. But you know what? At home, my husband rarely listens to me. Neither does he accept my suggestion, even when he knows that I am right.”
You could feel her pain as she spoke. And from the looks on some of the attendees' faces, you could tell that other women were having similar challenges. Some husbands also suffer the same thing from their wives.
“A lot of times he has been duped. He has been a victim of many business deals that have gone sour.” She continued. “There is one business deal where he lost more than seven million naira. I warned him, but he did listen. I had experience in that area of business he was going into, but he never welcomed my suggestions.”
“Pastor Gavin, how can one synergy with a spouse who does not see anything good in his wife save for sex and house chores?” She finally dropped the question.
There is a need for couples to work together. When couples learn to synergise together, they have more profit and conquer more territory.
It’s good to have good two eyes. However, if you have four eyes, it is far better because you will be able to see things from different perspectives. This is the benefit that comes with marriage. You are able to use your eyes and the eyes of your spouse to assess situations. You can bring in your expertise and the expertise of your spouse to handle situations.
You will be cheating yourself when you don’t take advantage of the wisdom and expertise of your spouse concerning a matter.
This is the undoing of many marriages. Husbands look down on their wives, while some wives are the ones looking down on their husbands. Everyone is just doing his or her thing. Forgetting that one will chase a thousand but two will put ten thousand to flight. This can only be achieved through intentional synergy between the husband and the wife to achieve every goal.


- Pst. Gavin Aleogho

After many attempts to convince the husband, Sandra gave up trying. For the issue has led to many emotional outbursts between the couple. It has even affected their intimacy.

Even before Oshogwe got married to Sandra, he has been keeping his hair very bushy. On the other hand, his wife does not like her husband keeping a bushy hair. Why then did she accept his proposal? That is a question for another day.

The wife gets irritated with the husband’s hair, considering the fact that he does not maintain the hair which makes it smell with a lot of dirty particles.

She has tried to bear with it but to no avail. The question remains, how can she be able to convince her husband to keep a style of hair that she really loves?

One of the common challenges in marriage is the inability of a spouse to convince the other concerning an issue. This has led to diverse degree of misunderstanding in marriages.

This misunderstanding is not necessarily because one of the spouses is not communicating rightly about the issue on ground. Rather, the problem is that the other partner is not seeing things from the same perspective as his spouse. Hence, what needs to be done is left undone. What needs to change is left unchanged.

This challenge can also be seen in a case where a partner is not okay with the behaviour or attitude of the other. And he or she has tried several times to speak to his partner concerning the matter. But sadly, the other person is not seeing the seriousness of the issues. Thus, the problem lingers beyond normal.

Now, if you’ve tried talking about a problem to your spouse and he or she is not seeing any reason to change, there is a need for you to try another approach to convey your dissatisfaction. For not until your spouse is fully persuaded, he or she will never change.

So, your aim is not just to talk about the issue. Wisdom demands that you deploy another approach to convince your spouse so that he or she can have enough reasons to change and follow your way.

Let me share with you four effective ways to achieve this.



This is a form of conviction that is achieved by mirroring your ideal desire to your spouse using another person, object or scenario.

Take for example, if you want your wife to slim down a little bit, you could say, “Ladies that are slim look bright, brilliant and beautiful.” By saying such, you are indirectly mirroring your desire to your wife using another person. If your wife is wise she will understand that you want her to slim down.

Mrs. Sandra could deploy the indirect comparison by saying to her husband, “men who cut their hair look neat, responsible and charming.”

As effective as this method may seem, you have to be careful of the kind of comparison that you used to avoid being misunderstood.


This is where you intentionally bring your spouse to an environment where he or she would see or hear what you’ve been trying to tell him through another person.

Such an environment could be any marriage forum where couples are taught on how they can succeed in marriage. Many persons, especially women have testified how their husband has positively changed since they joined our Couples’ Corners (Marriage Matters) WhatsApp platform. It’s a platform where we teach and also share valuable materials that will help couples and intending couples. You too can join in, if you so desire.

So, depending on the matter at hand, you might need to bring your spouse to an environment where he can learn from an expert. If it is health related issues, bring him or her to health forums. If it is problem of mismanagement of money, get him or her to attend financial seminars.


This is when you deliberately expose your spouse to materials that could help him or her to see reasons and change for the better, for a glorious marriage.

There are a lot of materials out there which will greatly help your marriage in this regard. These materials range from videos, audio, books, articles, movies etc.

Your job is to discover the best way that your spouse can learn better and expose them to materials that will help them to become a better person. So, you can buy a book for your spouse if you want his life to change based on the content of the book.

You could persuade him or her to watch a particular movie that addresses the problem in your marriage. Today, there are a lot of Christian movies that will greatly help you in this regard.

In the same vein, there are a lot of audio messages on marriage, family and relationships that you can take advantage of.


This aspect has to be traded with caution as the involvement of a third party to some marriage has led to the destruction of the marriage. Despite that, I still recommend that there are issues that you need to get the involvement of a third-party who could be a pastor, marriage counsellor or a professional in the area you want help.

Most times, it will be more convincing to your spouse when he or she hears from a professional who is God-fearing, experienced, matured with vast knowledge on the subject matter.

Personally, I have greatly leveraged on this. Thanks to the wonderful people that God brought our way in our early years in marriage. Their counsel greatly helped us.

For the scripture says..

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14

Personally, I don’t recommend the involvement of relatives on such matters. This is because even though they may be sincere, there might be bias in their judgment.

Take advantage of these four approaches to better your marriage.


 - Pst. Gavin Aleogho

A red flag in a relationship is a warning sign that something is not right in the relationship. It is a behaviour, attitude, action, or pattern that serves as a warning sign that the relationship may not be safe, healthy, beneficial or compatible for you.


Red flags are hint to deeper issues like dishonesty, lack of respect, control, or emotional instability that can lead to bigger problems if not addressed. Basically, red flags serve as cues that you should evaluate the relationship carefully before moving forward into marriage.


If you are in a relationship with the intention of getting married to the individual, carefully watch out against any of the following red flags.




1. If he or she doesn't listen to you or seek to understand your view, it's a red flag.


2. If his or her presence irritates you, it's a red flag. You are not meant for each other.


3. If you often feel intimidated in the relationship, it's a red flag.


4. When he or she is not proud to present you before his family and friends. It's a red flag.


5. When he or she feels insecure and intimidated by your achievements, it's a red flag.


6. When he or she finds it difficult to trust you even after you’ve tried your best. It’s a red flag.


7. When he or she finds it difficult to forgive and let go of the past; always bringing up past issues. It’s a red flag.


8. When the gap (either age, academic, social or spiritual gap) between both of you is always a reason for conflict and displeasure, it's a red flag.


9. When he or she always disdains, scorns, and despite your dreams and aspirations. It’s a red flag.


10. When you don't feel accepted and appreciated by his or her circle of friends and relatives, it’s a red flag.


11. When he or she is too possessive, it is a red flag.


12. Any trace of irresponsibility is a red flag.


13. Any trace of hatred against your tribe, race, or colour is a red flag.


14. Any trace of sexual unfaithfulness is a red flag.


15. Any form of abuse against you is a red flag.


16. Consistent lying, dishonesty, deception, or hypocrisy is a red flag.


17. Any form of consistent mental instability is a red flag.


18. Any form of consistent manipulation is a red flag.


19. Any form of disrespect, disregard, or disdain against your person is a red flag.


20. When he or she is ashamed of your physical look or any part of your body. It’s a red flag.


21. When he or she is always trying to outsmart and take advantage of you, it’s a red flag.


22. When he or she does not respect your values. It’s a red flag.


23. When there is no mutual respect, love and honour for each other. It's a red flag.



If you observe any of the above tendencies, before making any decision to either stay or quit the relationship, I will strongly admonish you to:  


i. Pray about the issue.

ii. Talk about the issue between yourselves.                                                 

iii. Seek professional counsel from a godly counsellor.






- Pst. Gavin Aleogho


There are various forms of communication that you can maximize to enhance your relationship. Sadly, a lot of couples are only familiar with verbal forms of communication. As good as that form of communication can be, it is still limited. There are a lot of things you might not be able to tell or express to your spouse by just “talking.”


Thus, in this short piece, I will be sharing with you various ways you can relate and speak your heart to your spouse. This principle is not only applicable in the context of marriage. It is applicable in every form of relationship.






Verbal communication is communication with words and includes pitch and tone of voice, the word you say, and the dialect you choose to speak. In the context of marriage, it could be:


  • Direct conversations: talking openly about feelings, needs, and desires.
  • Discussions: problem-solving, decision-making, or planning as a couple.




Nonverbal communication is both intentional and unintentional communication through body language.


  • Body language: gestures, facial expressions, posture, personal space, and eye contact can convey feelings like affection, frustration, or empathy.
  • Touch: hugs, holding hands, kissing, romance or other forms of physical expression of love and comfort without words.




Written communication involves writing in any format.


  • Letters or notes: handwritten or digital messages of encouragement, apology, or affection.
  • Texts and emails: quick ways to stay connected during the day.
  • Social media: chatting with your spouse.




Emotional and affectionate communication is a deeper form of communication that could be verbal or nonverbal. It is aimed at touching the emotions of your spouse. It involves:


  • Sharing feelings: Expressing joy, sadness, anger, or excitement, fostering emotional intimacy.
  • Empathy: Actively listening and responding to the emotional state of your spouse.
  • Compliments and encouragement: Speaking positive words that uplift and affirm your partner.
  • Acts of service: Small gestures like doing chores, preparing meals, or running errands that communicate love and care.




Humour and Playfulness is a form of communicating your nature and friendliness to your spouse. It has a way of bringing joy and changing the atmosphere of your home. It involves:


  • Jokes and light-hearted conversations: Adding humour to communication can relieve tension and foster closeness.
  • Playful teasing: Affectionate teasing strengthens intimacy and alters the atmosphere of your home.
  • Playing games together: it could be manual or digital games.




Conflict Communication is a form of communication that is aimed at resolving conflict, bringing clarity and understanding between couples. It could involve:


  • Constructive confrontation: Addressing issues calmly and respectfully in order to resolve disagreements.
  • Apologies and forgiveness: verbal and non-verbal ways of seeking forgiveness or granting forgiveness.


To achieve your goal with this form of communication, you must consider “the right timing;” void of distraction and interruption.  The mood of your spouse must be considered, before initiating this form of conversation.




There is a time for everything. Even when it comes to discussing some important matters in marriage, you must consider the right timing. This is where time-based communication comes in. It involves:


  • Quality time: spending intentional time together, talking or engaging in activities that build connection.
  • Scheduling discussions: Scheduling an appropriate time and place to discuss important matters.




Silence is another form of effective communication that is used for different purposes. It could be to a:


  • Comfortable silence: Being together without speaking but still feeling connected.
  • Reflective silence: Pausing to reflect on the matter on ground.
  • Displeasure silence: As a way of displaying your displeasure.




Spiritual communication is one of the deepest forms of communication that leads to godly soul-tie between couples. This form of communication causes the two individuals to be bond together in their souls and spirit. This form of communication is achieved through


  • Praying together: Praying to God together about anything.
  • Having spiritual conversations: discussing your faith through intense Bible study in the form of family devotion.
  • Praying for your spouse: Either for God’s help or for God to help you convince your spouse about a matter. Proverbs 21:1


©Gavin Aleogho





 - Pst. Gavin Aleogho


1. Practise active listening; listening more than you speak


So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;

James 1:19


2. Speak with kindness and love, using the appropriate word

  Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Colossians 4:6


3. Be honest and truthful while you deploy wisdom

 but, speaking the truth in love…

Ephesians 4:15a


4. Be patient and understanding while you avoid haste

 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,

Ephesians 4:2.


5. Control your temper and avoid emotional outbursts

 "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

Ephesians 4:26-27


6. Forgive and seek reconciliation quickly especially after every discussion

 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32


7. Encourage and uplift each other through words of affirmation

  Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11


8. Be humble and willing to admit your mistakes

  But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

James 4:6


9. Don’t hesitate to seek counsel and guidance when needed

 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Proverbs 11:14


 10. Pray together and pray for each other


Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5:16


©Gavin Aleogho




- Pst. Gavin Aleogho


"Communication is the fuel that keeps the fire of your relationship burning. Without it, your relationship goes cold.” 

- William Paisley wrote,

In marriage, the importance of communication cannot be underrated. Communication is the life of any relationship. Where there is no healthy communication, any relationship will die, naturally.


As a marriage and relationship counsellor, I can tell how healthy a relationship is by looking at the communication between the parties involved. I can tell when there is an issue in any marriage when I observe the way a couple addresses and relates to themselves.


Where there is constant argument, abusive words, conflict and constant misunderstanding in communication, it’s a sign that a relationship is heading to the rock. I usually tell singles who are into courtship that, “if he/she can’t talk to you with respect and courtesy, it’s a red flag. You might need to consider the relationship.”


As a basic rule, one important piece of advice I don’t fail to give to intended couples is the need to communicate with each other constantly. In constant communication you get to know your fiancĂ©/fiancĂ©e.


When it comes to marriage, I can confidently tell you that any couple that always communicates with each other as friends and gist mates will stay together. Communication have a way of bonding people together.

Couples who talk to each other in respectful and loving ways always grow in their love for each other. Remove communication and a gap will be created which will invariably give the devil a foothold in a marriage.


To have a strong marriage, you must work toward having an open and honest communication with your spouse. Such communication goes beyond talking and listening to each other.


Communication is not just talking and listening to what is being “said.” It goes beyond that. It involves understanding both the spoken and unspoken needs and desires of your spouse and the willingness to compromise.


Effective communication in marriage entails saying what needs to be said and hearing what needs to be heard. There is the possibility of saying something else while you actually mean something else. In the same vein, there is the possibility of hearing something else while your spouse actually meant something else.


What Is Communication?


Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, or feelings between individuals through verbal, nonverbal or any other methods. It involves both sending and receiving messages and is essential for building understanding, relationships, and connections between people.


In the context of marriage, Communication is the act of passing information and on the other hand, your spouse being able to understand you correctly.


The intention of communication is not just for communication's sake. The goal and intention of effective communication in any relationship is to see a positive change in your marriage. Your goal should be to positively persuade and change the behaviour and attitude of your spouse.




There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

Proverbs 12:18


1. Builds trust and intimacy

2. Prevents misunderstandings and conflicts

3. Strengthens emotional connection

4. Promotes mutual respect and understanding

5. Facilitates problem-solving and decision-making

6. Encourages openness and vulnerability

7. Helps express needs and desires effectively

8. Fosters teamwork and unity

9. Reduces stress and tension

10. Nurtures a healthy, loving relationship




1.   Pride and arrogance

2.   Lack of active listening

3.   Anger and emotional outbursts

4.   Lack of empathy

5.   Constant criticism and blaming

6.   Unresolved past hurts or trauma

7.   Assumptions and jumping to conclusions

8.   Interrupting or speaking over the other person

9.   Stonewalling (silent treatment)

10. Distractions and interruptions

11. Fear of rejection or being misunderstood

12. Negative tone or sarcasm

13. Wrong timing or poor time management for discussions

14. Holding grudges and not forgiving

15. Lack of patience during conversations

16. Wrong manner of approach

17. Lack of trust

18. Gaslighting, defensive attitude and playing the blame game

19. Poor emotional state

20. Abuse and domestic violence

21. Lack of clarity in communication

22. Negative body language

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