RADIANT SAINTS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE (RSICC) is a Church, a spiritual organization and a godly system that produces Radiant Saints that are shinning, bringing light to every darkness in their respective sphere of life. RSICC produces Christians that are not egoistic nor self-centered but people that are God’s Kingdom driven. People whose life, time, energy, resources are geared towards advancing the Kingdom of God. RSICC gives a call to live for others, giving our lives to others just like our Lord Jesus Christ set the example by giving his life for us. We are Christians that lives beyond the four walls of the Church. Just like Jesus, we are a Church that goes about doing good. It’s an outreach ministry with a target of reaching the world with the love of God and the goodness of the gospel  of the Kingdom of God.

OUR MOTTO:Saving lives, equipping and releasing God’s saint to fulfil purpose.

OUR SLOGAN: Where everyone is fulfilling his or her God’s given purpose.

OUR TARGET: To everyone, most especially, equipping the upcoming generation.

OUR VISION: Building and seeing every believer live up to their God’s given potentials; with Kingdom Principles, Virtues and Values, Dominating and Impacting their various worlds.



1.     Ministering to God:  Through loving God, prayers, praise, worship and giving. 1 Peter 2:5.

2.     Ministry of Reconciliation: Reconciling men to God through soul winning by being born again and teaching them how to have a personal relationship with the Father. 2 Corinthians 5:18, Matthew 28:19, John 15:16.

3.     Discipleship ministry: To be a disciple-making-Church where minds are transformed into that of Christ through the instrumentality of the principles revealed in the Bible. Helping Believers to come into maturity of the faith. Matthew 28:19-20. Eph 4:12-15.

4.     Equipping all for ministry: Perfecting, equipping and edifying the Saints for the work of the ministry. This we will achieve by helping everyone to discover their God given purpose, spiritual gifts, talent and potentials and equip and train them for effective ministry, thereby raising a people that are making a difference and impacting their worlds. Ephesians 4:11-14. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

5.     Expressing God’s love to the World: To reflect the nature of God’s love to our world by expressing love to the needy, hurting, depressed, frustrated, confused, and broken hearted. Isaiah 61:1-3. We shall be known as the church that went about doing good.

6.     Pillar and Ground of Truth. 1 Timothy 3:15.
·        Giving answers to life’s questions.
·        Building a community of Bible based Christians.
·        Delivering men from the deception of the age through the truth of God’s Word.
·        Developing Kingdom values and virtues in the lives of the people.
·        Unveiling biblical truth to succeed in life.

7.       Eternity Mandate To restore and prepare men to be and reign with our Lord Jesus Christ forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, John 12:26.

Pst. Gavin E. Aleogho 
President and Senior Pastor of RSICC

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