Sade got married at 36 to a man who never loved her. The man was an opportunist who, because of her wealth and affluence, proposed marriage to her so that he could gain access to her wealth.
You might ask, “Why would Sade, a wise and God-fearing lady, make such a costly mistake?”
There were many reasons why Sade accepted his proposal. However, underneath all the reasons was a hidden fear in her heart. She fears that if she doesn’t accept his proposal, another man will not come tomorrow.
This is what I call making decisions because of the fear of tomorrow. Just like Sade, many have made a lot of decisions under pressure simply because of the fear of tomorrow.
There are different types of fear that plague every mortal. It ranges from the fear of death, the fear of man, the fear of failure, and many other forms of fear. Lately, I discovered that “the fear of tomorrow” is a major drive for the misbehaviour of a lot of people.
The fear of tomorrow is an anxiety about what lies ahead in the future. It is a fear that is fuelled by the happenings around and the many uncertainties in our world. It stems from not knowing what will happen next and the fear of negative outcomes.
Sincerely speaking, there are many uncertainties in our world that, if you don’t guide your heart, it is capable of pushing you to do something stupid. Irrespective of the happenings around us, we must learn to rest in the fact that there is a God that sustains everyone who trusts in Him.
The fear of tomorrow says, “If I can barely eat today, what is the possibility that I will not be in a worse state tomorrow.”
This fear will whisper to your heart, “If you don’t take advantage of this illegitimate opportunity of the moment, you will go hungry tomorrow.”
Why do people steal and venture into many forms of evil? They are afraid that if they don't act now, they won't have what they need tomorrow. Hence, the fear of tomorrow has pushed a lot of people into illicit ventures.
On the other hand, the fear of tomorrow has hindered a lot of people from doing the right things. It will stop you from giving to the needy. This fear will say, “If you give that little that you have, you will not have to eat tomorrow.” Thus, it has caused many to be greedy, wicked, and cruel to their fellow man. Like the rich fool in Luke 12:15-21, this fear is the reason why people hoard resources.
He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
Proverbs 11:26
The widow of Zarephath, who God had previously instructed to support Elijah, almost refrained from giving a meal to Elijah because of the fear of tomorrow. Thank God she later obeyed God and she lived many days after. (1 Kings 17:7-16).
A lot of God’s children have missed out on the glorious package that the Lord has in store for them, simply because they allow the fear of tomorrow to stop them from yielding to God’s instruction.
The primary cause of corruption in any nation is the fear of tomorrow. People steal, take bribes, and emblaze government funds to secure their tomorrow and the future of their children. The same fear motivated Gehazi to lie to Naaman to receive the gift that Prophet Elisha rejected. (2 Kings 5:20-27).
Do you think Elisha turned down Naaman’s gift because he had too much? I don't think so. Elisha, as well as the early fathers of faith, have learnt to live one day at a time; trusting that God will take care of them tomorrow.
This is the kind of life that Jesus wants all His followers to live. It's a life where we are not afraid of tomorrow. This is the true life of faith. It's a life of contentment where we appreciate God for the present while we trust that "because He lives we can face tomorrow."
If you understand this, you won't be afraid to share what you have, because you know that according to the words of Jesus, "tomorrow will take care of itself."
Your ability to stand against the fear of tomorrow is a sign that you really trust God. Many claim to have faith in God, but when the die is cast, that is when we know if your faith is in God or in your bank account.
The error of many believers is that they try to acquire a lot of material wealth so that they can have something for their faith to rest on. There is nothing wrong with acquiring wealth. However, it’s a misplaced priority to place your faith in your material possessions.
Anything in this world can crumble. Money can fail. Plans can fail. Men are not reliable. This is the reason why your faith must only be in God, not in things. Not on systems. Not the government. Your faith should not even be in your plans but in the One who sustains all things by the word of His power.
The LORD loves it when we totally depend on Him. The Lord is not against saving, investing, or planning for tomorrow. What the Lord frowns at is when we are motivated by fear, greed, and lack of faith.
Don't allow the fear of tomorrow to be your motivation in life. Let the Lord alone be your fear. Then will you be able to live one day at a time, enjoying every moment while you trust God for more glorious days ahead.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34 NKJV

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