Your obedience to God is directly proportional to your spiritual growth. Show me a Christian who is stagnant in his walk with the Lord and I will show you an individual who is living in disobedience to the voice of the Spirit.
Growth in the faith is not by chance. Growth is achieved deliberately. Spiritual growth comes by hearing and obeying the instructions of the Lord. And such instruction includes the written word of God as spelt out in the scripture as well as the personal instructions of the Lord to you; which does not contradict the scripture.
If you see a Christian that is making progress in his work with the Lord, you’ve seen an individual who have made up his mind to obey God even when it is not convenient. Such individuals’ desire is to please God, irrespective of who is offended in the cause.
Do you want to see progress in your walk with the Lord? Make up your mind to follow His leadings. Make up your mind to obey the scripture to the later. Yes, you might fail sometimes, but the desire to please God should keep you going. Such desire is what the Lord is looking for; a heart that is desperate to honour and obey Him.
Be assured of the fact that, God will never waste your life. God will never lead you to destruction. He will not waste your time. He won’t lead you to a place where you will get your hands burnt off. Although, sometimes, it might look as if, if you obey Him, you will be at a lost. But be rest assured that it will eventually turn out for your glorification.
For a couple of years now, by the grace of God I have seen steady progress in my walk with the Lord. And that is thanks to God’s leading. And one of the ways that God has led me is by instructing me to focus on some particular books/articles of some specific authors, follow the examples of some individuals in my sphere, and listen to the message of some specific ministers of the gospel.
Prior to the year 2021, I knew of a renowned minister of the gospel in Nigeria, but I never liked his person; though I don’t hate him. Even when I tried to listen to some of his messages then, it never sounded well in my ears. However, towards the end of the year 2021, I had the leading to follow him keenly. Thank God I obeyed and that obedience has greatly helped me in the ministry and in my walk with God.
By the grace of God, I have a ministry that cut across the line of denominationalism. Based on that, I am privileged to some information from my counselling room. A lot of believers are stagnant in their walk of faith, not because God is not willing to help them but because they are not willing to cooperate with God in total obedience.
I discovered that even though a lot of believers really desire to see growth in their walk with the Lord, sadly, they are not ready to do what the Lord will want them to do, especially when it has to do with them changing Church. Some individual are in the ‘wrong’ Church where they will never grow. Not necessary because the church is based on falsehood but because the structure and vision of the Church is not designed to help such individuals to move to their next phase in their walk with the Lord.
I usually come across such individual who knows that they are in the ‘wrong’ assemble. Funny enough, some of these persons have even attested to the fact that the Lord has instructed them to change Church. But yet they are unwilling to obey God in this regard due to some human factors and other reasons which do not have eternal consequences.
As long as they keep disobeying God, there spiritual life will keep dwindling. God is wiser. He is wiser than you. The longer you stay and operate in disobedient to God’s instructions, the more you miss out. They more you miss out of the great package that He has in store for you. As long as you keep walking in disobedience, you will keep losing time, years, virtue, opportunity etc.
Ironically, your eyes may not be open to see what you are missing out from at the period you are living in disobedience. It is after the deeds have been done that you will realize how you have cheated yourself through disobedience.
One of the reasons why a lot of Christians do not wholeheartedly obey God is because they don’t trust God. If you truly trust God, then you will obey Him. He has the best in heart for you. Besides, the Lord knows what He is doing. He is wiser than you. 

Just trust Him!

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