Written by Gavin Aleogho


I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalms 139:14


Malala Yousafzai was born in 1997 in Swat Valley, Pakistan, to a modest family. Malala grew up in a region where the Taliban increasingly imposed strict rules, especially curtailing the education of girls. Thanks to her father, a passionate advocate for education. Her father inspired her to fight for the right to learn despite these oppressive conditions.


Despite the oppression and assassination attempt on her life, she rose to become a major voice for girl-child, an activist for girls-education. Through her advocacy, many girls rose from obscurity to prominence. She is a symbol of courage and resilience.


The story of Malala Yousafzai is one I love to use to inspire and motivate girls. It tells how a girl-child can rise to become what God has designed her to be, despite the many challenges confronting her.


The girl-child is a unique gift from God that everyone must recognize, appreciate, and celebrate. Her potential is limitless. A girl-child that is encouraged and supported by parents and society will always evolve to become a major contributor to the advancement of the society. This is why Michelle Obama said, “When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous."

There is no doubt that the girl–child is confronted with many challenges, ranging from societal marginalisation, sexual molestation, gender discrimination, and cultural oppression. However, it is important to know that, like Malala; a lot of ladies have been able to rise to the peak of their careers despite these obstacles.


The girl-child must understand that she is not inferior to anybody, rather, she is made in God’s image, and she is fearfully and wonderfully made. She must see herself from God’s perspective, for her self-worth does not lie in the opinion of the society or of men but of what God says about you. Every girl-child must be told she is valuable.


The girl child must also understand that she is not without a God-given purpose. As a girl, there is a purpose why God made you. You are not here to fulfil the purpose of another man. You are unique; with an assignment to fulfil here on here. If you don’t come to this realisation, you will suffer from an inferiority complex.


For the girl-child to thrive in this contemporary world, she must strive to develop herself. Develop yourself academically as a girl. Get wisdom, get understanding. Improve yourself. Get skills. Develop your talents. Doing this will greatly open doors for you in the future.

You can’t overlook the importance of having a mentor, coach, or role model if you must advance in life as a girl. You need someone who will guard, help and motivate you to become all you are designed to be. Such a person must be mature, God-fearing, experienced, and filled with wisdom to properly guard you.

Like the father of Malala; parents, society, and the church must rise up to give support and encourage the girls-child to become all that God has designed them to be. Don’t be among those that abuse, violence, or take advantage of our girls-child. Be a source of inspiration and motivation for our girls-child. They need your support.


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