Written by Gavin Aleogho
If you have followed my series on the prophetic, you would agree with me that I believe in the prophetic and like 1 Thessalonians 5:20 says, I encourage believers not to despise prophecies. However, what I have tried to do is to call our attention to the fact that we must learn to test and judge prophecies.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
1 Corinthians 14:29
This is not my idea; it’s a scriptural injunction to every believer as seen in the scriptures above. The reason for this is so as not to be deceived. In the past, I have established that a prophetic utterance can come from God, man or even the devil. In this piece, I will focus on how to decode when a prophetic utterance is from the devil. And by that, I meant when the devil is behind a supposed prophetic manifestation.
So before receiving any prophetic word, ask yourself is this prophetic word coming from God, man or the devil? I have already done an exposition on how to know if a prophetic word is from God. And in another episode, I treated how to know when a prophetic word is coming from the soul of a man. You can find all this in my blog. In this piece, my focus will be to show you how to discern prophetic words that are from the devil.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are OF God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1 (Emphasis mine)
Ek is the Greek word that is used in the above passage for the word “of.” Ek speaks of source. It’s a call to ascertain if the spirit speaking has its origin (source) in God. For there are prophetic utterances whose origin are from the devil.
A lot of people are easily swayed away by any accurate prophecy. The fact that a prophecy is accurate does not mean it’s from God. A case study of such can be found in the book of Acts 16:16-18, where a damsel who was possessed by the devil was giving an accurate prophetic word to Apostle Paul and his companions. By the Spirit, Paul was able to discern that the source was not from the Lord but from the devil. Hence, he went further to cast out the demon from the lady.
Also, be aware that the fact that an utterance has a touch of the supernatural does not imply that it is from God. This is a major reason why a lot of Christians fall into the trap of the enemy. They are not able to discern if a prophetic utterance is from God or from the devil.
Most times, devilish prophetic words are usually related to what has happened in the past or something that is going on presently. In the case where they speak about the future, it is related to information that has been previously revealed or an event that the devil is already planning to execute.
Hence, a devilish prophetic word can be saying that Mrs ABC is going to die of an accident. Although the event is in the future, the devil or his agent can confidently give such because Satan is putting every modality to ensure that such prophetic words come to pass.
Hence, a prophetic word whose source is from the kingdom of darkness is one where the devil is the brain behind the prophetic word and not the Holy Spirit. Such prophetic words from the devil can be channelled to you via dreams, visions, and demons masquerading as angels or even men. This is one of the reasons why you must learn to examine (test, prove, scrutinize) every of such encounter in the light of God’s words as admonished in 1 John 4:1, to ascertain its source.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14
The devil is a deceiver with the aim of stealing, killing and destroying. Every prophetic word from the devil is also aimed at stealing, killing and destroying the victim.
Even though such prophetic words are sometimes true and correct, it is not always the truth. For there is a difference between true and truth. The word can be true, accurate and correct, but it does not align with the purpose and nature of God, the Father. The primary purpose of such manifestation is to deceive the victim.
The accuracy of devilish prophetic words is based on the operations of a familiar spirit. If it has happened, the devil can tell you. If it has been said before, the devil can repeat it.
- Is to deceive you, turning your attention to the wrong thing
- Is to instil fear
- Make you walk outside the circumference of God’s love
- Make you man-dependent or system-dependent instead of God-dependent.
- Sometimes, it is aimed at encouraging someone to continue in the part of perdition.
The Marker that shows that you are dealing with devilish prophetic words
1. It takes away your peace.
2. It comes with fear; void of faith.
3. It comes with guilt and condemnation.
4. It does not edify nor does it bring comfort, assurances and courage.
5. It sometimes leads to doing something contrary to God’s character and principles.
6. It makes you man-dependent or system-dependent.
7. It does not glorify the Son, Jesus Christ.
8. It indirectly or directly glorifies the devil or the agent of the devil.
9. It does not promote agape love among people.
2. Get yourself familiar with the scripture.
3. Avoid unhealthy desperation for prophetic words
4. Have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.
5. Seek confirmation.
© Gavin Aleogho