By Gavin Aleogho

If there is anything that has been abused in Christendom today, it is the word called “honour”. Many have crossed the line between honouring men of God to worshiping them. The apostles that worked with the Lord had limitation to what they received from men in the name of honour, so as not to direct men to themselves but to the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 10:25-26, Acts 14:13-15). Even, Angels in their celestial state refused to be worshipped (Revelations 19:10, 22:8-9), but today, reverse is the case.

There is no denying the fact that God has set an order for us to honour Him and also to honour those He has put in authority over us which include but not limited to our biological parents, rulers, our bosses and our spiritual leaders, etc, because of the roles the play in our lives. This is commanded irrespective of whether the person in authority deserves it or not. Because at the long run, every one of them will give account to God about their stewardship to you and the honour they’ve gotten from you. Therefore, there shouldn’t be room for rudeness and insubordination to them.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Hebrews 13:17.

It’s important to note that honour is not only befitting to those in authority alone but to all men. In 1 Peter 2:17, the same honour that is said to be given to kings was also said should be given to all men. It reads: “Honour all men…  Honour the king.” This is to show you how God looks at all men with the eyes of equality.

To honour is to prize or fix a value upon a person with the value God the Creator has placed on such. Worship on the other hand is an acknowledgement of allegiance to a superior being which is solely to God Almighty. Honour entails treating with respect, love, truthfulness, courtesy, encouragement, appreciation and loyalty. It also entails praying, which is one of the great way you can honour those in authority according to the Scripture. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority…. 1 Timothy 2:1-2a.

One of the major differences between honour and worship according to the Scripture is that, honour is made for everyone but worship is strictly to God. Besides the fact that worship is only to be ascribed to God and not to any man, there is a thin line between the acts of honour and worship especially in this New Testament era whereby Tabernacle (Old Testament) kind of worship no longer applied. And we must be careful to know this line so as not to cross the boundary.

The terminology as to whether a practise should be described as worship or honour is not the contention here. The problem is this, anytime we ascribe God’s honour to humans, we’ve crossed the line into idolatry; that is the worship of man. God alone should be given glory, praise, adoration and power. (Revelations 4:11, 15:4, Nehemiah 9:6). For God is sovereign overall including every minister of the gospel, regardless of what their title or relationship to you might be. God will never share His glory with any man including a Pastor, Bishop, General Overseer, Apostle, Teacher or whoever.

“I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8

In today’s Church, the act of honouring spiritual leaders has been perverted. There has been a subtle migration of honouring spiritual leaders to worshiping them. It’s a thin line that has been crossed; God’s position in this regards is lowered while His ministers are being elevated to the position that was supposed to be solely for God.

A case whereby a congregation gives glory to their man of God for the great things he has  done, forgetting that God does not take second place neither does He share His glory with any man including your pastor who is being worshiped. This is coming from the fact that men are focusing on the messenger rather than the God of the messenger.

When men of God are perceived as being invincible and infallible, they are prone to be worshiped rather than being honoured. Such a man is only being setup for failure and the people that do that will be disappointed in the long run.

Nobody should expect any minister of God to be perfect. However, reverse is the case today; when a spiritual leader is used of God to do great miracles, his followers are tempted to view him as invincible, infallible and to be worshiped. At such point, a genuine minister of the gospel should help his followers by pointing them to God and not to himself or herself.

There is definitely a need to honour and appreciate ministers of the gospel for their public and private labour of love for the course of the expansion of the kingdom of God. They should be encouraged for they also face diverse challenges and fiery spiritual battles in the course of their ministries. They need to be encouraged either through loyalty, gifts, being prayed for, etc. We should not add to the burdens they are already carrying but rather make the burden lighter.

Mere kneeling, applauding and bowing to a minister of God does not necessarily imply that you are worshiping them. This is because we have diverse cultures which have such practices and acts imbedded in their tradition as a show of respect for elders and those in authority. For example, the way of greeting elders by the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria, West Africa; the younger men prostrates flat on the ground. Bowing down while greeting is part of the Chinese culture. These might be similar to a form of worship in the Old Testament, but the state and focus of the heart is the determining factor whether it’s worship or mere honour.

Where such an act can be connected to worship is the motive and effect of such an act. It’s the focus of the heart at such point. Take for instance; when you kneel before any man and in your heart you are viewing him as your “alpha and omega”, as if your existence and miracle depends on him, then you have crossed from just honouring to worshiping. When you see or put man as God without seeing the true God, then you have started worshiping the man.

You have to ask yourself these questions:
  1. Is your focus on man or God?
  2. Is your action exalting man or God?
  3. Are you pointing people to man or God, by your actions?
  4. Is man or God been glorified by your action?
  5. Is your testimony glorifying man or God?
  6. Is your faith based on a man’s word or on God and His word?

In honouring men of God, healthy boundaries should be placed. Even when you are giving honour with a pure motive, you should always ask yourself if the person that is receiving the honour would be able to handle it, so that your honour won’t get to his head. Man’s personality is fragile; help your pastor by not giving them honour that will drift them away from the way. It is dangerous for them and for you too.

Honour, but never worship any man; for we serve a jealous God and woe to that man who takes God’s worship.

For more clarity on this subject, read article on my blog titled 18 Signs that shows you are worshiping your Pastor rather than God.


  1. This is a great exposure. Great job Gavin

  2. Great write-up. However, you sound jugdemental by using the pictures of respected men of God. I will advise you do otherwise.


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